Cliniweb: Historia Clínica Electrónica, Finanzas y Citas en Línea

Cliniweb Medical Directory Disclaimer:

The information contained in this medical directory is provided directly by those responsible for each medical office and is for general informational purposes only.

Cliniweb is not responsible, nor does it provide any representation of the information provided by these people, nor does it expressly or implicitly guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or integrity of any information published in this digital directory, so you should not be construed as professional advice or medical recommendations and no favorable or unfavorable inferences should be drawn from the information contained in the directory.
Visitors to this website should direct any query related to the suitability, medical specialty and/or experience of doctors or other health professionals, to the appropriate authorities, understood as the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama.
This demarcation notice / present disclaimer will be governed by Panamanian legislation.